
HR Grapevine's podcast has been created to reach HR professionals on the go. Hosted by content experts and with some very special guests, a podcast sponsorship puts your brand alongside the most forward-thinking conversations in HR today.
Over 3,300 monthly plays by the HR audience
Over 170 hours of engagement every month

Package Details

After booking confirmation, our production team will arrange a full planning session with your team and coordinate content production with you.

How it works

The HR Grapevine team will work with you to create everything from a series of bespoke brand-centric episodes to brand placements in cast or episode bumpers, whatever fits your budget. The package includes:

Branding integrated into podcast episodes and alongside all on-site placements for your podcast episodes.
Full consultation with our content creators to plan and produce your podcast series.
Full visibility of the brands viewing and listening to your podcast via hrgrapevine.com.

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